Things I Find Just Silly – Part I of Many

In no particular order:
I suspect this may easily evolve into a top ten one day.  If this has caused offense or you fall into any one of these categories, I’m sorry.  I still love you, I just find whatever you do on this list to be silly.

  • Boudoir Photography
    One of my favorite photographers and I love to make fun of folks that offer this service and/or actually take up a “photographer” on it.  I can’t take you seriously if you have ever done this, and I reserve all rights to make fun of you.  If you actually use a boudoir photo as your Facebook profile pic, thank you for the laughs.  I may or may have not mocked you for it.  Okay, I did mock you for it.  I also find pregnancy photography ridiculous.
  • Dudes that throw the weights at the gym
    If you can’t properly put them back into the location you pick them up, then you should not be allowed to lift them.  It’s not manly to throw your weights, it’s extremely annoying.
  • Any musical that has a dream sequence ballet
    Ahem, Oklahoma, Carousel, etc.  Granted the dream sequence isn’t what made the show suck, but it did contribute.
  • Yoga
    I get that it’s quite the rage, but if that what you qualify as a quite the work out, then you are an idiot.  Sorry yoga friends, I’m glad you enjoy yoga, I just don’t.  The only time I did have fun was when I took a class with my sister and we quietly told each other jokes during the class, and we also had a good laugh when my hip dislocated itself and I fell down.  Good times!
  • D&D
    Sorry if this one causes any offense.
  • Fake Fingernails & Hair Extensions
    If you can’t grow it on your own, then just deal with what you have.  Mind you, I’m a pianist, and I can’t stand having long fingernails.  I don’t understand the need for them.
    Blech!  It’s just cars going round and round a track.  I’m pretty sure the only people having fun are the ones driving the cars.
  • Bedazzled jeans
    Unless your a girl under the age of 12, you should not wear bedazzled jeans.  Gay guys, I’ll give you all a pass for wearing bedazzled jeans.  You’re pretty much one of the only groups of folks that can seem to make them work.
  • Most Sports
    Except rugby, I like that.
  • Garter Belt Tradition at Weddings
    Yes, let’s just be tacky.  Anytime I’ve seen this silly event occur at a wedding, usually I roll my eyes and make sarcastic comments to whomever I am with.  Unless your garter belt is secretly holding a flask of liquor, you shouldn’t have one.  Thus, you probably don’t need it removed.

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